Hotel Asterbel

Picco di Vallandro, 2839 m

Start point:
Prato Piazza
Arrival point:
Picco di Vallandro, 2839 m
From Prato Piazza and Hohe Gaisl Hotel, take a left on a wide path to the east across the meadows up to the intersection with Dolomite High Trail No. 3. Head north, along steep and rocky grass-covered slopes, doing some curves as you ascend the southwest flank of Pico di Villandro Mountain, then continue across scree up to the pre-summit. After a small saddle, there is a short passage that requires you to be secured with a wire cable. After that point, it isn’t difficult to reach the summit cross. Descent: the same way.

Please note: This hike is only suitable for older children with endurance and hiking experience. It is recommended that children be secured with a rope if they want to make do the crossing from the pre-summit to the main summit. Most of the hike is exposed to direct sunlight.
